Wednesday, November 6, 2013

A Life With Luster: Life's Not Always Fair

This is great blog post from our Daughter-In-Law.  I hope you enjoy reading it also.

A Life With Luster: Life's Not Always Fair: I may have mentioned before, but for the past two years I've been reading a daily devotion by Sarah Young called, "Jesus Calling.&...

Bead Charmer Girl is on Blogger!

We're on Blogger, too! 

I've been writing a blog on for a few months.  Maybe you've been reading some of my posts.  I'm still in the experimenting phase in my blog.  I've been looking at a few other blog platforms and decided to give Blogger a test drive.  So for a period of time,  I'll post the same material on both blogs.  I'd like to know which platform you prefer and why.

Today's post on is titled "Please Hold my Hand".  I hope you enjoy it.

Be a Blessing,
Bead Charmer Girl